Always display good sportsmanship.
  Verbal or physical abuse of officials or other players will not be tolerated. Violence will result in dismissal from the program.
  Do not bully or take unfair advantage of another competitor.

For Parents:

  Focus on the child’s efforts and performance rather than winning or losing.
  Do not argue with or yell at an official. If you disagree or have concerns, have your coach respectfully approach the Head Referee after the competition. Verbal abuse of any official will result in your immediate dismissal from the event.
  Show appreciation for volunteer coaches, officials, and administrators. Without them, your child could not participate.
  Do not ridicule or yell at a child for making a mistake or losing a competition.
  Support all efforts to remove verbal and physical abuse from sporting activities.
  To avoid confusion during competition, please leave the coaching to the team coach. Please address coaching concerns with the coach after the game.

For Coaches:

  Display control, respect and professionalism to all involved with the sport. This includes opponents, coaches, officials, administrators, parents and spectators. Encourage players to do the same.
  Do not place emphasis on winning above good sportsmanship.
  Do not ridicule or yell at a player for making a mistake or not coming in first.
  Do not argue with or yell at an official. If you disagree, respectfully approach the Head Referee after the competition. Verbal abuse of any official will result in your immediate dismissal from the event.
  Operate within the rules and spirit of the game and teach your players to do the same.
  Ensure that the time players spend with you is a positive experience.
  Follow the advice of a physician when determining whether an injured player is ready to recommence training or competition. Players who are miss two practices due to an injury must have a note from a physician to return or written permission from a parent.
  Any physical contact with a young person should be appropriate to the situation and necessary for the player’s skill development.

Once you pay for a that season there will be no refunds, no exceptions!!!!

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